Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Congratulations! It's a ....dryer???

After over a year without a dryer that worked, we find out that the new ranch had a matched washer/dryer set in storage. Ours to use if we wanted. Um? Yes, please! Get them all moved in and discover that either the plug in the wall has one too many prongs or the plug on the dryer has one too little. A variety of parts came in yesterday and I decreed today was the day to fix it.

I had already decided the dryer had one too few prongs and changing the cord was the thing to do. No messing with breakers this way. Problem? The dryer, having the need for only 3 wires, and the new cord, needing 4, were not matching up like the picture showed. Isn't this always the case?

Just what's a girl to do??

I called my Dad.

"Hello" he answers, as always "This is Larry"
"Hello Larry" I reply, as always "This is Barbara Ann"
What can I say? It's our thing ;)

So, on to my dryer. A discussion at length about hot wires, ground wires, and which one should be what color led me and my do it yourselfness in the right direction. I was just in the process of hooking things up when hubby came in.

He looks at the cord, he looks at the dryer, and looks at me.
"Do you know what your doing?" He asks.
"Yep, I used my phone-a-friend" I smile up at him.
"Oh yea?" He asks "How is your Dad?" smiling back at me.

My Dad is good. My Dad is rare. My Dad Dad :)

We almost lost him once. That was pretty serious let me tell you. Go big or go home right? He even had life flight involved. Can't just have yourself a little heart attack can you Dad? Got to go for the gold. Overachiever. BUT....Mom knew just what to do, the Nurses were on their toes, and Karma was on his side. Thank you Karma, the Nurses, and especially Mom.

I think about that day every time I use my phone-a-friend. Every time my husband talks about his Dad. Every time I hear of someone in their age group that has passed away, a friends Dad, one of his hunting buddies, trucking buddies, I think of that day. Probably more than he does I bet.

In this New Year I shall resolve to use my phone-a-friend as much as possible. I shall resolve to be a better house keeper. I shall resolve to call my Mother at least once a week. I shall resolve not to judge others to harshly or quickly. I shall resolve to make it one more year with this Fibromyalgia and without pills. I should also resolve to lose a few pounds but....well...I wouldn't want to over do it.  

And here you thought this was going to be a post about dryers.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my ramblings and maybe even understanding a little.

Happy New Year to you and yours,

Food for thought:
Things were meant to be used,
people are meant to be cherished.

Get out that silver, that china, those embroidered pillowcases and use them!!
Then invite your people over and cherish them.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, my friend. I hope you utilize your phone a friend quite often in the coming year. You are very blessed, as am I. Cherish your people, and wonderful things will be upon you. :-)
