Cradling my coffee cup in my hand, I stand and look out from the dining room window. It's by far the largest window in the house and offers one of our best views of Rabbit Ears, Spicer Peak, and the Sleeping Bear. Today however, I gaze out upon the vast whiteness that is our scenery. About 6 inches of the fluffy stuff fell overnight and still continues to fall today. Should make vaccinating calves interesting to say the least.
After layer upon layer of clothing are donned, the Boy's and I head for the corrals. We are armed with sleds and ready to face the snow.
The white gold fell steadily from the sky throughout the morning and well into the afternoon. Snow rested inches deep on the tops of fence railings, trucks, the platform we stand upon and even on the backs of the calves themselves. It didn't however change the calves attitude about going into the run. They didn't know what was down there and they'll be damned if they are going to find out.
We had calves in backwards, calves wanting in 2 at a time, calves trying to go up over the sides and calves on their backs. Couple that the snow, the cold, and the slippery conditions and one would expect attitudes or tempers. The overall mood however, was surprisingly easy going. Someone would invariably look to the poor snow covered sucker next to them and say "So, ya think it might snow today?" as the snow fell from the brim of their cowboy hat.
I must make a confession here for I cannot take credit for spending the entire day playing in the snow. With kiddo's home from school on Fridays and the temperature hovering at about 25 above we decided to wait and go out at lunchtime. Therefor, after preparing the nice hot beef stew to help offset the cold and the wet we headed out. While everyone sat in pickups eating their cold sandwiches and potato chips we hunkered down with the heavy hearty food I had so lovingly prepared. Watching the snow fall around us, we eat our lunch listening to the sound of bawling calves and happy kids.
300 or so calves made it through and almost all got their shots. There is always one or two lively buggers that slips through the sorting.
It's supposed to be 60 degrees above in a few days time. Mother Nature must be feeling as lively as those calves. A person might think this was still Nebraska.
Keep your head up, your eyes peeled, and your mind open. Even a challenging day can be an enjoyable one.
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