Monday, November 9, 2015

Lambchop's lamb chops

15 years ago if you would have asked me if I could see myself living how I am now? I would have laughed at you.
Born and raised a city girl with only the traditional $10 per hour, safety helmet, on a bomb proof horse, riding lessons, I never would have thought I would be raising our own food and meat.
We raised our very first meat lamb this year. From weaning to freezer, we did it all ourselves. That also includes killing her.
Husband and I work very well together when it comes to hair brained projects like this one.
About 11 years ago Hubby brought up the thought of putting in a garden. We lived in a rental house at the time but knew our landlords very well as they were my parents. We went to Mom and Dad asking permission to tear up the grass in the back yard and plant a small garden. Just big enough for some tomato plants and maybe a row or two of corn. They said yes and it’s been downhill ever since.
The garden grew both in variety and size and so did our family. With the first baby just learning to crawl we started looking for a house of our own. We found one that we kind of liked but not really. The house had such a perfect yard and location though that we told each other we could learn to love the house. So we bought it.
Soon after moving in Baby #2 made a surprising entrance to the world. We also increased the size of our garden again, and again, to finally include two separate patches where we could grow enough tomatoes, potatoes, beets, peppers, peas and green beans to keep us happy. For a few months anyway.
Then came the chickens.
We didn’t mention to anyone about the chickens. For weeks we kept quiet about the peeping coming from the brooder in the office. People tend to look at you funny when you tell them you have chickens in the office. I also didn’t know a single thing about chickens except they tasted good. So, I hit the library, I scoured Google, found backyard chicken sites, and learned.
We promised each other that we would butcher the roosters ourselves. Hubby remembered his dad doing the killing and thought he could remember how. I remember my Dad teaching me how to gut ducks so, thinking ‘how different can chickens be?’, so I volunteered for that job. In the end we had 9 birds in the freezer all dead, skinned and gutted.
But, we needed more, and I’m not talking about chickens. I’m talking about life.
After looking around for a few months and applying for a few jobs here and there, we were offered a position on a ranch in North Park Colorado. We packed up, sold the house, and moved 500 miles away. Starting on one ranch and now on another. From my hometown where I was born and raised, where we knew everyone, to a place where we knew no one, no one knew us, and we could see the hundreds of millions of stars at night.
Then came the lambs.
4-H is big in this area and we were encouraged to look into raising a 4-H project. After some deliberation and research we decided our oldest boy Gian could raise lambs. However, since we were building a pen for two lambs already, why not raise three and butcher one?
Peter and I did some serious thinking about this. To raise and animal from weaning to butcher, to make sure she had the best hay, the cleanest water, the best quality grain, the safest pen, and the happiest, least stressful life as possible, is a big responsibility. So why then would we stress her out by hauling her miles away to trust a total stranger with the most important part?
We just couldn’t and that’s was all there was to it.
But, could we actually do it? Could we actually take an animal and end her life after caring for her so vigilantly for so many months? We did chickens, we told ourselves. Chickens are different, we argued back. So let’s not raise one then, but have you seen the price of lamb? Oh, we went back and forth for days.
In the end we decided that if this was the life we wanted, the self-sufficient, do it ourselves, off grid sort of life, that this was something we had to do. Also, we had to learn it now while we had the resources to learn from.
So, we bought a meat lamb. A beautiful little corriedale/shorpshire cross we named Lambchop.
Like I say, Hubby and I work well together at these sort of things and when the time came, we sat down and planned our strategy. Much like the chickens we each took a ‘not-so-great’ task. He shot her, and I cut her throat to bleed her out. Then we each took task we had seen done or done before ourselves. I’ve seen my brother skin deer so I started there. “I would skin from the top down” Says Pete. “Yea, I probably should” I answer. He’s read up on gutting so he took that task and before long we had a carcass hanging in the shop to rest overnight.
By then, she was no longer our Lambchop. She was just meat. Meat for our freezer. Meat to feed my children. Meat that I knew where it came from. I know how she was raised, what she ate, how she was treated and I know how she died. She had a name and she had a place in our lives for however brief. I am wiser for raising her and she will always be remembered.
I’ll say this about the whole experience though......
While it wasn’t the most pleasant thing I have ever done in my life, I’ll do it again, and I’ll cry next time as well. 

Thank You for stopping by!!
Barbara <3 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Old dogs can learn new tricks.

Anybody know what an Actuator is? No? Don't feel bad since up until 3 days ago, I didn't either. Now that I know what it is, what it does, and how important it is, I wish I didn't.

It's one big pain in the bohunkus, that's what it is.

Located deep in the bowels of the steering column, this cheap piece of junk connects your ignition to the ignition switch. It also has a very important roll in the whole 'neutral safety switch' thing. Basically if this Actuator doo dad is broken, and your in park, your staying where you are.

I drive a 1991 Ford F-150 and proud of it. It's a good truck. We paid $1800 bucks for her 8 years ago last November and the list of things we have had to fix on the old girl numbers about ten.

Wiper motor, brakes, fuel pump, U-joint, ignition barrel, blower motor, squirrel cage fan, a resistor, some relay thingy under the hood that almost took out the west end of Father dears garage, and this actuator. I also see a starter and upper ball joints in the future but she's a good girl and giving me the signals and I have a starter in the mail...or soon as we get paid I'll have a starter in the mail anyway.

She's not quite strong enough for our camper but like I said, other than that, she's a good truck.

However I had exhausted my list of expletives whilst attacking this actuator.

It requires special tools, strong muscles and little fingers. I had to buy the special tool and then borrowed a 15/16th deep well socket but provided the muscles and little fingers myself.

3 days, 2 actuators (don't ask), and the sacrifice of the blinker return and tilt later, the truck starts.

Kind of proud about that. I'll look at that whole blinker thing later.

I once told my Dad after and incident with a lawn mower, 'I broke it I'll fix it. Just tell me how' he responded with being glad he raised..uh..daughters or some such smart remark. I have a beautiful Sista who is equally as competent as I. I also have a handsome brother whom can fix, make, manufacture, invent, or afro engineer anything. What can I say, we're a do-it-yourself kind of family.

In this day and age most daughters know nothing about vehicles and most sons know nothing about cooking.

This needs to change right now.

If you need to learn something, learn it!! Don't be afraid to ask someone. I didn't know what what wrong with my truck but with the help of the parts store, my 'phone a friend', Google, and you tube I got it figured out.

You can too!!!

Try new things and see how it opens your mind.

Thank you for reading,
Barbara <3